หมายเหตุ สายด่วนชาวพุทธ

Why is my life so terrible

"Why is my life so terrible? Everything I do fails, I don't succeed at anything. I had a partner, but we fought and broke up, got divorced.

Whatever work I do fails, people only criticize, insult, and gossip about me. Coworkers aren't supportive, my boss doesn't take my side.

All the assets and money I once had are gone. No money, no gold. My children don't turn out as I hoped. Relatives don't care, don't help with anything. Can't rely on anyone.

All my friends have disappeared, if I try to borrow money, no one can help. Can't turn to anyone. No one left, no one remains.

Creditors keep chasing me, threatening me over and over. Don't even have money for electricity, water, rent. Running around desperately. The job I have pays very little, not enough to eat or live on. Tried buying lottery tickets, never win anything. My luck is terrible.

I've tried removing bad luck, improving my fortune, Fixing my unlucky year, releasing birds and fish, Bathing in holy water, lying in a coffin ritual, I've done it all. Nothing seems to work. I've made merit often, Frequently gone to temples to pray, chant, make offerings. Often donated to monk's robe ceremonies. Why are there no results, no benefits, merit doesn't seem to help at all.

Gods, Brahmas, Nagas, or spirits, None of them seem to help at all. Life is incredibly difficult. No one can help. I've tried selling online, but can't sell anything. What I do earn isn't enough for expenses.

I've lost everything gambling online, got stuck with crypto. Just losses upon losses, not worth it. Sports betting doesn't bring any profit.

Why is my life so awful? What kind of past karma is causing this? On top of everything, I'm harassed by scam call centers, driving me crazy. Don't they know my life is terrible, I have no money at all?

Sometimes I want to break the law, sell drugs, do sex work. Maybe I'd get rich quickly, have money fast, lots of money to clear my debts. But my conscience still warns me not to break the law, not to break moral precepts, not to do anything unethical. I still think of my parents, would be ashamed to do such wrong things. Why is my life so terrible? What kind of karma is this?

Look, my face is gloomy, sad, no smile, lost all radiance. No one wants to associate with me. Because they're afraid I'll ask to borrow money. Why is my life so awful? What kind of karma is this?"

Many people currently feel and think this way. If we feel and think like this, we're not strange - we're like many people in this country.

But do you know what? Just thinking, just feeling, and hoping for others to help, hoping for external things to magically give us what we want - these are mistakes and a waste of time.

We need to reframe our thinking: "Problems that happen to us must have causes and conditions. We can only solve problems when we address the causes and conditions. Separate each problem - we'll find some causes and conditions we can and must address ourselves, and some we can't handle alone. This is the point that determines failure or success. We can handle problems well if we have mindfulness, concentration, diligence, patience, and knowledge. If we lack any of these (mindfulness, concentration, diligence, patience, and knowledge) we must cultivate them. Of course, these things arise within our own minds.

Mindfulness, concentration, diligence, patience, and knowledge won't arise on their own if we don't train our minds. What should we do? We'll develop better mindfulness than before, being careful and attentive in all our thoughts, speech, and actions. What should we do? We'll develop better concentration than before, not being fickle or easily distracted in our thoughts, speech, and actions. What should we do? We'll develop more diligence than before, not being lazy or procrastinating, not waiting for others to help, in all our thoughts, speech, and actions. What should we do? We'll develop more patience than before, enduring hardship, lack of sleep, criticism, temptation, shame in our work, and in all our thoughts, speech, and actions. What should we do? We'll develop more knowledge (wisdom) than before, understanding deeply and truly in what we do, say, and think. All problems can always be solved. And these qualities of our mind will lead us to failure or success. So training the mind well will lead to success. Train the mind to have mindfulness, concentration, diligence, patience, and knowledge.

How to train?

Train like this: Listen repeatedly every day (endure boredom and listen until you overcome it) for at least 9 months continuously. After listening, clean your house, make your room clean, tidy up to make it open and airy with good ventilation. Turn off communication devices, then practice sitting as instructed for 30 minutes, and walking meditation for another 30 minutes, alternating daily.

Practice like this continuously for at least 9 months (emphasizing it must be 9 months - if you do it intermittently without 9 months of continuity, it won't be effective). Your mind will become very powerful. When the mind is powerful, it's suitable for solving the various problems you're facing. And this mind will create good things for you too. Don't delay, don't procrastinate. No more excuses.

Start now. Listen to this: Dhamma Sound for better life

Buddhist Hotline www.buddhisthotline.com"

เขียนโดย : สายด่วนชาวพุทธ
เขียนเมื่อ : 21 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2567
อ่าน : 357


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